Prepare for Your Consultation
Find out how to connect with a Benefits Counselor, how to make the most of your consultation, and what will happen during the call.
For Post-65 Non-Medicare-eligible retirees
Call Mercer Marketplace 365+ Retiree Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. EST at the toll-free number listed under the Contact Us section to schedule your one-on-one consultation with a Benefits Counselor. If your spouse is also eligible to enroll, you may schedule your consultation together. Jot down the date and time for this appointment on your calendar.
Take the time to review the Enrollment Guide as well as review the sections below in advance of your consultation. You do not have to answer these questions but reading through this information will help you be better prepared.
You can shorten the amount of time you spend on the consultation by completing the forms below before your consultation.
Download and complete the forms below then mail, fax or email them at least 10-14 days before your consultation. The information will be pre-loaded and available for your benefits counselor during the consultation.
Submit Prescription Drug Information