Automatic Premium Reimbursement: This reimbursement option is
available if you have enrolled in a qualifying health plan through
Mercer Marketplace 365. No form or additional documentation is required
by you. Please visit your subsidy portal to see a list of participating
carriers and plans as well as to opt-in to Automatic Premium
Reimbursement. Refer to your Reimbursement Instructional Guide for
additional requirements and details on this option.
Recurring Premium Reimbursement:
This reimbursement option is available if you have enrolled in a
qualifying health plan through Mercer Marketplace 365. You will only
submit one Recurring Premium Request Form
each calendar year, or each time your premium rate changes. All
Recurring Premium Reimbursement claims require third-party documentation
showing proof of expense and coverage and must include: covered
participant's name, premium type and proof of coverage. More details
about expected reimbursement dates can be found online in your subsidy
portal under "Important Information". Refer to your Reimbursement
Instructional Guide for additional requirements and details on this
One-Time Reimbursement: This reimbursement option is available for any eligible expense.. You will need to provide a completed One-Time Reimbursement Claim Form , proof of premium/eligible expense, and proof of payment
of premium/eligible expense each time you submit an eligible expense.
More details about expected reimbursement dates can be found online in
your subsidy portal under "Important Information". Refer to your
Reimbursement Instructional Guide for additional details on this option.